Sky Pirates: What we know so far

5 min readOct 24, 2022
From Sky Pirates Discord

What is it?

Sky Pirates is a GameFi/Web3 project in development by Atlas Parker.

How do I find out more?

Read on.

You can also find out more through following Sky Pirates on
twitter, having a peek at the website or joining the discord

So what do we know?

Let’s dive in and see what we know so far.

  • Currently the plan is to mint 10,000 individual Pirate PFP’s on the Ethereum network whilst gampley will be on the Polygon chain. Pirates will have randomly generated traits of varying rarity.
From Sky Pirates Discord — Test Pirates with Traits
  • Whitelist opportunities are available in the discord or through interacting with Sky Pirate’s on twitter.
  • Owners of Atlas Parkers genesis collection, Mons By Atlas, automatically receive a Sky Pirate for each Mons they hold.
  • Your Pirate will be used to explore dungeons that are generated each week. Pirates traits will help to determine what you find in each dungeon.
  • Several Dungeons are only accessible to people whom own NFT’s from other collections. The collections are BAYC, Divine Anarchy and Good Morning Cafe.
  • Full game utility to exist on day 1. The day you mint, all core features will be available in game.
From Sky Pirates Discord

What do we know about the game?

Atlas continues to drop snippets and teasers about gameplay in the discord so no doubt by the time this is live, new alpha will be available.

Let’s start with what we know. At its most basic premise, Pirates will be staked in a new dungeon each week. At the end of each week the Pirates return with some treasures. Treasures can be used to craft items.

Pirates will have an inventory that impacts your chance of finding treasure in certain zones. The inventory is the three items to the left of the pirate.

From Sky Pirates Discord

Inventory traits are divided into three levels. Each level has a unique advantage. The inventory traits to date are below.

From Sky Pirates Discord

Row 1 is +1 against certain types of enemy/resources
Row 2 is +1 against two types of enemy/resources
Row 3 is +2 against certain types of enemy resources

Your Pirates may also be holding a tool/weapon. The combination of your inventory traits and your weapon/tool will play a role in determining how effective your pirate is at collecting resources and battling enemies whilst it’s staked for the week. There is also a rare golden tool/weapon that doubles your effectiveness against the enemies or resources

From Sky Pirates Discord

As you can see in the above image there is enemies that you will be battling in each dungeon. The image below is an initial reveal of the 6 types.

Since this image, a snippet from a menu has shown an updated version of these enemies. From scouring discord I believe the enemies are from left to right, Wild Beasts, Dragons, Crustaceans, Slimes, Undead and Goblins.

In what is possibly a bit of secret alpha, the Dragon Enemy is remarkably similar to MON #146 from Atlas’s genesis collection, Mons By Atlas. Does this indicate something more for holders of Mons?

What else do we know about dungeons? The below image has been shared in discord by Atlas and is a compilation of all the traits that will be available to dungeons.

Making sure you match your pirate to the best dungeon is going to be a fun and interesting process each week.

So what do the Pirates find exploring each dungeon? Each week your pirate will return with a Treasure Chest.

Treasure Chests as shared on Twitter Post by Atlas Parker

It’s unsure if your Pirate/s will find multiple chests or a single chest. Within each chest there will be items of varying rarity. These items can then be used to craft new items or potentially used for prizes such as NFT’s from other collections. Atlas recently tweeted that an Azuki will be one of the prizes.

Twitter Post by Atlas Parker

So what items are in the chests?

I’m not sure we have actual names for individual items but the following image has been shared in discord. It shows a bunch of items and then rarity with 1 Star the most common up to 5 Stars being the most rare.

From Sky Pirates Discord

The treasure pools for each dungeon will be made public. As discussed earlier, the combination of your Pirate traits and the Dungeon traits will impact on your chance of getting treasure. So whilst you may have a lower chance of getting treasure in certain dungeons, the items may be of higher rarity so the risk is worth it.

So how does this all come together? Well as the game isn’t live, all we have is some snippets in the discord. Atlas is regularly dropping alpha and updates so if your not already in, make sure it’s your number 1 priority.

Here is a series of animations that you can look through to get an indication of potential gameplay.

Is there anything else?

Yes. There is a token, the mechanics of it are still being built but it has a name. The token is called SKYSTONE. More information about the utility of the token is yet to come.

From Sky Pirates Discord

So that’s about it, if you’ve come this far then I hope you have a much better understanding of what Sky Pirates is and where it’s headed. Be sure to jump in the discord and to follow the socials for all future updates.

Sky Pirates Discord
Sky Pirates Twitter
Atlas Parker Twitter

BoomerCurve out.

